417g Original GREAT Glossy LEKLAI Koh Larn US $219.99 Sale 39% -27-30June2013

Code : sb749
Stone Name : LekLai Koh Larn
Stone Type : Thai Amulet Stone
Weight : 417.5grams
 Dimension : 124 x 77 x 90 mm.
Stone Quantity : 1 Pc (s)
Origin : Koh Laan, Pattaya Thailand
Color : Glossy black colour

What is Lailai Koh Larn?
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Nice Rainbow LekLai on Auction-Time left:Jul 01, 2013 20:16:24 PDT

19.8g Rainbow LekLai(fluid metal)Thai Amulet-Umklum Mountain#sb259-stomulet

 Time left:Jul 01, 2013 20:16:24 PDT

Code : sb259
Stone Name : Rainbow LekLai ( 7 colored Lek Lai )
Stone Type : Thai Amulet Stone
Weight : 19.8 grams
Dimension : 27 x 22 x 19 mm.(1.05"x0.85"x0.74")
Stone Quantity : 1 Pc (s)
Origin : Umklum Mountain in Umklum Mountain in Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand
Color : Multicolored

Go to this Item >> 19.8g Rainbow LekLai #sb259


Code :sc499
Stone Name :Black Fusulinids polished for spa massage
Stone Type :Fossil
Age :315 to 250 million years ago
Weight :498 gram.
Dimension :108 x 73 x 40 mm.~(4.2"x2.8"x 1.5")
Stone Quantity :1 Pc (s)
Origin :Thailand
Color :Black
>>>See This item

Description: Fusulinids were small, marine organisms that were common inhabitants of the world's seas during the Pennsylvanian and Permian Periods, from about 315 to 250 million years ago. The earliest fusulinids occur in rocks deposited during the late Mississippian Period, more than 320 million years ago. Fusulinids became extinct during the mass extinction at the end of the Permian Period, about 250 million years ago.
Their shells resemble a grain of rice, with respect to both size and shape. Unlike multicellular animals, which accomplish basic life functions (such as locomotion, feeding, digestion, and reproduction) through a wide range of specialized cells, fusulinids and other single-celled organisms have to carry on these same functions within the confines of a single cell. As a result, the cell is highly complex.
These Pennsylvanian fusulinids belong to the genus Triticites, which gets its name from the Latin word for wheat. Triticites is a common fossil in Thailand rocks.
In fusulinids, this complexity is evident in the structure of the hard calcium carbonate shells, called tests. Internally, the tests, which are made up of calcium carbonate, are divided into a series of chambers. By studying living relatives of the fusulinids (a group called the foraminifera), scientists know that the tests were secreted by the protoplasm, the living material within the cell. As fusulinids grew, the test coiled around itself, adding chambers along its longitudinal axis.
This cutaway view of a fusulinid test shows the complex structure of these single-celled organisms. The prominent line on the outside of the text, the antetheca, was the growing surface, where new chambers were added (drawing by Roger B. Williams, KU Paleontological Institute).
The earliest fusulinids were minute, smaller than the head of a pin, and somewhat spherical in shape. During their 80 million years on earth, fusulinids evolved rapidly, typically becoming progressively longer and narrower. By the late Permian Period, some forms were over two inches long, an amazing size for a single-celled organism.
As fusulinids evolved, the internal test walls also became increasingly complex, with more ornate subdivisions of their internal chambers. Fusulinids look fairly similar from the outside. In order to identify them, scientists usually examine a cross section of the fossil test under a microscope.
 Cross section of the common fusulinid Triticites, showing the distinctive internal structure of its chambers (drawing by Al Kamb, KU Natural History Museum, Invertebrate Paleontology).
Because of their rapid evolution and their occurrence in the rocks from around the world, fusulinids are extremely useful in correlating the ages of sedimentary rocks from different parts of the earth. By matching the kinds of fusulinids contained within sedimentary rock formations, geologists can show that far-flung rock strata--as widely separated as Kansas and Russia--were deposited at approximately the same time.
By studying the rocks in which fusulinids are found, geologists can determine what kind of environment they lived in. Apparently, fusulinids preferred a clear-water, offshore environment and may have been reef dwellers. The mass extinction at the end of the Permian Period decimated the world's reefs and their occupants.
Stratigraphic Range: Upper Mississippian to Upper Permian.
Taxonomic Classification:Fusulinids belong to the Kingdom Protoctista, Phylum Protozoa, Order Foraminiferida, Suborder Fusulinina, Family Fusulinidae.
Buzas, Martin A., Douglass, Raymond C., and Smith, Charles C., 1987, Kingdom Protista; in, Fossil Invertebrates, R. S. Boardman, A. H. Cheetham, and A. J. Rowell, eds.: Boston, Blackwell Scientific Publications, p. 67-106.
Moore, Raymond C., Lalicker, Cecil G., and Fischer, Alfred G., 1952, Invertebrate Fossils: New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 766 p.
Williams, Roger B., 1975, Ancient Life Found in Kansas Rocks--An Introduction to Common Kansas Fossils: Kansas Geological Survey, Educational Series 1, 42 p.
Text by Liz Brosius, Kansas Geological Survey. Unless noted otherwise, illustrations by Jennifer Sims, Kansas Geological Survey; photographs by John Charlton, Kansas Geological Survey.


          The Fulgurites are glass tubes formed in quartzose sand, silica, or soil which are made by lightning strikes. The Fulgurite is the name in Latin and word Fulgur means lightning. They have many shapes, size, and colorations depending on the material being fused by the lightning strike. 
The fulgurites from Algeria are interesting because they are mostly solid and made of the sand which hit by lightning. they contain glassy silica (quartz) and mineral (Lechatelierite). The surface of fulgurites are very rough but they have beauty shapes.
Peak temperatures are estimated to reach 30,000 degrees K - sufficient to melt the sand to form natural glass tubes. This fulgurite was collected in the Sahara Desert in the Grand Erg Occidental, Algeria.


Natural Ball Pyrite , Cubes Pyrite and Pyritohedron  (Pyrite 12 sided)

Red Garnet

Red crystals and stones are used during meditation to energize and initiate action. According to “The Encyclopedia of Crystals” author Judy Hall: “These crystals heighten libido and stimulate creativity.” Although red stones, such as garnet are extremely stimulating, the crystals are meant for short-term use. The garnet is used for different life circumstances and also has several meanings.

The Meaning
The garnet stone was originally used 500 years ago to ward off ghosts and phantoms. According to “Your Crystal Code” author Teresa Moorey: “In times gone by it was thought to drive away bad spirits and to warn the wearer of approaching danger.” Moorey also suggests to wear garnet jewelry, such as earrings to sense any approaching threat. Wear your garnet close to your heart to feel empowered.

Garnet Classifications
Garnets carry several classifications and each category has a special benefit and meaning. For example, the pyrope garnet is a stabilizing stone promoting an excellent quality of life; the hessonite garnet eliminates feelings of guilt, as well as inferiority, and carries you toward your destination in life; and the melanite garnet promotes honesty. The garnet stone is available in a tumblestone version, as well as a raw garnet, square-cut as well as faceted.

Health Benefits 
Hall writes: “Traditionally red stones are used to treat hemorrhages and inflammation;” however, the garnet stone is specifically used for regenerating the body, metabolism and cellular disorders.

Attracting love as well as a compatible partner is expected when carrying the garnet stone. The stone also inspires love by alleviating emotional disharmony, as well as instilling self-confidence. Hall says, “Red garnet stimulates controlled rise of kundalini energy and adds potency.” The kundalini energy is a root chakra located at the base of the spine. The almandine garnet brings deep love, opens your spiritual higher self and brings forth compassion and charity toward others.

Lucky Garnet 
The garnet stone is named for the seed of the pomegranate, which is called granatum. If you are given a garnet as a gift, expect good luck to come your way. The garnet is also used to activate and amplify the natural energies of other crystals. Place a square-cut garnet in your office and it will bring success in all of your business matters.

During traumatic life experiences, carrying a garnet stone raises the energetic fields around an individual’s aura. The stone fortifies an individual’s survival instinct and brings about courage and hope to the situation. A crisis is then converted to a challenge when using the garnet-energy presence, which also promotes mutual assistance from others for a speedy solution.

The garnet stone’s energy is used in meditation practices to dissolve destructive behavior patterns, as well as outworn ideas. It will bypass any negative resistance created by your subconscious. It will also bypass any self-induced unconscious sabotage.


Natural Rough Hemimorphite

 Hemimorphite is a sorosilicate mineral that occurs in the upper layers of zinc and lead ores. Hemimorphite is usually found together with smithsonite. In fact, when hemimorphite was first discovered in Romania 1853, both minerals were considered to be a variety of a mineral then called calamine. Only later mineralogists found out that although the two minerals resembled each other, they varied in chemical composition. Smithsonite was a zinc carbonate, hemimorphite - a zinc silicate. The name hemimorphite derives from the word "hemi" or half and "morph" meaning shape and points to a hemimorph development of crystals. This unusual crystalline form, which is typical to only few minerals, means that the crystals are terminated by dissimilar faces. Hemimorphite most commonly forms crystalline crusts and layers, but also massive, granular, rounded aggregates. Rarely it forms fan-shaped clusters of crystals. The color ranges from white to blue, blue-green and even violet. Hemimorphite is mined at the German-Belgium border, in Austria, Poland, China, Thailand, Mexico, United States, Namibia and North Africa. White hemimorphite Many energy healers consider hemimorphite to be a stone of happiness and joy. The gem can be used to assist personal transformation and growth as it helps develop positive self-image and overcome the inferiority complex. It facilitates communication and self-expression and is considered to be a perfect harmony stone for troubled relationships. It allows us to be who we are and respect the other person's need for self-expression. The gentle healing energy of this stone endows one with generosity, a healthy dose of self-respect and respect for others. Negative emotional patterns are dissolved; anger and hostility are released. The stone promotes inner balance and tranquility, and helps access one's creative energies. It also helps protect from malice and the destructive energies of others. In the spiritual realm, hemimorphite has the power to enhance the aura and amplify psychic abilities. It helps align the heart and throat chakras and opens the third eye. It aides meditation and clears channels to psychic communication. It helps the seeker to define his spiritual direction and find a purpose in life. As a healing stone, hemimorphite is often used to heal ailments in the chest and throat region, but also to alleviate hormonal imbalances, blood related disorders, immune deficiencies, headaches, stress and overall pain. The stone's subtle energies bring gentle, gradual relief. Hemimorphite is a stone of unusual beauty. It adds a peaceful aura to any space and if worn as jewelry, allows for more self-confidence and compassion. Its beauty brings joy to all.

Holy stone in the cave of Laos

              These types of stone from caves in Laos are believed to be a holy cave, which in Mahachai city, Yomaraj city depending on Khammouane are Sumalee cave, Kuan Kawi cave, Nang Aen Cave, Phu Khieo Cave. The villagers believe is a holy stone have these spirits are protecting. When the villagers will be kept high for worship to protect and defend.
                There is a story of their own that has been the villagers find the forest things and into the cave to search but it turns out that can not come out, some fall in the forest, some flooding; cause of their own belief that these caves are protecting or a ghost that does not allow insurgent anyone. In the past, these rocks have the only magician to put out.
                Today, these caves are tourist attractions and do not steal anything out of the cave but the stone which is like the original through bringing them out of the magician. Now, these stones are rare and not on the market in general for a rare your stone collection from Laos.
                There villager is named for its shape are turtle stone, sugar apple stone, lychee stone, Calabash stone, bird’s egg stone, hook stone, shell stone. (The fossil shells with thick limestone islands and some have raised limestone islands that like a stalagmite; a fossil find that is not easy.)

Pattavee-tat (Naga Gem)

Pattavee-tat (Naga Gem) is a clear stone from the Mekong River at Mukdahan only in Thailand. Local people called Moonstone.
Moonstone is white, gray or clear stone which is believed to be lucky stone and support prestige. Moreover, this stone is caused prosperous, strong or brave with calling for money, gold and fortune.

104.31 Ct Round Natural Non-nacreous MELO Pearl GIA Certified

The melo melo "pearl" does not come from an oyster or mollusk, but comes instead from the melo melo marine snail, which is found in the waters of the South China Sea, as far south and west to Singaport and Andaman Sea. Like conch pearls, the melo melo gem is not actually a nacreous pearl because it contains no nacre. It is created by a similar process, however, in response to a foreign substance that invades the snail's shell.
Melo pearls are rare and the most expensive pearl.
Code :NOI001
Type :Natural Non-nacreous MELO Pearl
Total Carat Weight :104.31 Carat
Size :24mm. (Approx.)
Quantity :1 Pc (s)
Color :Orange
Item Location:Bangkok Thailand
Treatment :100% Natural


Variety Shape and Size Tektite cut

Campo Del Cielo-IRON METEORITE - Argentina

Location: Campo del Cielo, Gran Chaco Gualamba, Argentina, about 500 miles north-northwest of Buenos Aries. Latitude 27 degrees 39 minutes South, Longitude 61 degrees 44 minutes West.
Structural Class: Coarse octahedrite, Og, Widmanstatten bandwidth 3.0 ±0.6 mm.
Chemical Class: Group Group I, 6.68% Ni, 0.43% Co, 0.25% P, 87 ppm Ga, 407 ppm Ge, 3.6 ppm Ir.
Time of Fall: 4,000 to 6,000 years ago

Location Map
Here is a map showing where the Campo del Cielo Meteorite was found:
  • History
    The first record of the Campo was in 1576. A Spanish governor learned of the iron from the Indians who reportedly believed that it had fallen from heaven. The governor sent an expedition under the command of one Captain de Miraval who brought back a few pieces of a huge iron mass he called Meson de Fierro (large table of iron).
    The location of the find was the Campo del Cielo (field of the sky or heaven), a fitting name for the location of a meteorite. Since the Indians believed that the irons fell from heaven the name may have come from the meteorites. The area is an open brush-covered plain that has little water and no other rocks--very good country in which to locate meteorites.
    The next record of Campo Del Cielo meteorites was about 200 years later in the late 1770s. The Spanish thought some pieces might be silver ore, but once they tried to process it, they found that it was only iron. A Spanish navy lieutenant excavated one specimen which he believed weighed 14 to 18 tons. This may have been the Meson de Fierro. He left he mass in place and it was not seen again--or was it?
    In the 1800s more smaller irons were found. A pair of flintlock pistols reportedly made of this material were given to President James Monroe. Later analyses showed that the iron was not meteoritic. In the 1900s. systematic exploration revealed many more large masses; however, the Meson de Fierro remained lost.
    In 1992, American meteorite dealer Robert Haag was arrested by Argentine authorities while transporting a 37 ton meteorite from the area. Haag had purchased the mass from a local person who claimed ownership. Unfortunately, the authorities disagreed. Haag was released and the huge meteorite remains in Argentina. Whether this is the famous Meson de Fierro remains for speculation.


Fusulinids cover limestone, collected from Lopburi province of Thailand
Description: Fusulinids were small, marine organisms that were common inhabitants of the world's seas during the Pennsylvanian and Permian Periods, from about 315 to 250 million years ago. The earliest fusulinids occur in rocks deposited during the late Mississippian Period, more than 320 million years ago. Fusulinids became extinct during the mass extinction at the end of the Permian Period, about 250 million years ago.
Their shells resemble a grain of rice, with respect to both size and shape. Unlike multicellular animals, which accomplish basic life functions (such as locomotion, feeding, digestion, and reproduction) through a wide range of specialized cells, fusulinids and other single-celled organisms have to carry on these same functions within the confines of a single cell. As a result, the cell is highly complex.
These Pennsylvanian fusulinids belong to the genus Triticites, which gets its name from the Latin word for wheat. Triticites is a common fossil in Thailand rocks.
In fusulinids, this complexity is evident in the structure of the hard calcium carbonate shells, called tests. Internally, the tests, which are made up of calcium carbonate, are divided into a series of chambers. By studying living relatives of the fusulinids (a group called the foraminifera), scientists know that the tests were secreted by the protoplasm, the living material within the cell. As fusulinids grew, the test coiled around itself, adding chambers along its longitudinal axis.
This cutaway view of a fusulinid test shows the complex structure of these single-celled organisms. The prominent line on the outside of the text, the antetheca, was the growing surface, where new chambers were added (drawing by Roger B. Williams, KU Paleontological Institute).
The earliest fusulinids were minute, smaller than the head of a pin, and somewhat spherical in shape. During their 80 million years on earth, fusulinids evolved rapidly, typically becoming progressively longer and narrower. By the late Permian Period, some forms were over two inches long, an amazing size for a single-celled organism.
As fusulinids evolved, the internal test walls also became increasingly complex, with more ornate subdivisions of their internal chambers. Fusulinids look fairly similar from the outside. In order to identify them, scientists usually examine a cross section of the fossil test under a microscope.
Cross section of the common fusulinid Triticites, showing the distinctive internal structure of its chambers (drawing by Al Kamb, KU Natural History Museum, Invertebrate Paleontology).
Because of their rapid evolution and their occurrence in the rocks from around the world, fusulinids are extremely useful in correlating the ages of sedimentary rocks from different parts of the earth. By matching the kinds of fusulinids contained within sedimentary rock formations, geologists can show that far-flung rock strata--as widely separated as Kansas and Russia--were deposited at approximately the same time.
By studying the rocks in which fusulinids are found, geologists can determine what kind of environment they lived in. Apparently, fusulinids preferred a clear-water, offshore environment and may have been reef dwellers. The mass extinction at the end of the Permian Period decimated the world's reefs and their occupants.
Stratigraphic Range: Upper Mississippian to Upper Permian.
Taxonomic Classification:Fusulinids belong to the Kingdom Protoctista, Phylum Protozoa, Order Foraminiferida, Suborder Fusulinina, Family Fusulinidae.
Buzas, Martin A., Douglass, Raymond C., and Smith, Charles C., 1987, Kingdom Protista; in, Fossil Invertebrates, R. S. Boardman, A. H. Cheetham, and A. J. Rowell, eds.: Boston, Blackwell Scientific Publications, p. 67-106.
Moore, Raymond C., Lalicker, Cecil G., and Fischer, Alfred G., 1952, Invertebrate Fossils: New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 766 p.
Williams, Roger B., 1975, Ancient Life Found in Kansas Rocks--An Introduction to Common Kansas Fossils: Kansas Geological Survey, Educational Series 1, 42 p.
Text by Liz Brosius, Kansas Geological Survey. Unless noted otherwise, illustrations by Jennifer Sims, Kansas Geological Survey; photographs by John Charlton, Kansas Geological Survey.


BIG MY COLLECTION THAI AMULET (Holy stone,LekLai, Relic) Antiques#sb569-stomulet


Rainbow Lek Lai from Umklum Mountain in Kanchanaburi( Big & Full coler LekLai 1 piece and Leklai pendant 3 piece)
Weight : 73.5g, 46.3g, 38.3g, 23.8g
Size Approx : 42-53 mm.
Natural Mercury in forest. Making into a solid and non-toxic
Weight : 5.2g, 5.3g, 38.3g, 23.8g
Size Approx : 10 mm.
9 Naga Gem (Pattavee-Tat)
Total Weight 14 grams.
Size Appox : 11 - 15 mm.
(Thai people is the belief in the absorption properties.)
Weight :55.3, 68.9g 
Size : 44 x 48 x 18 mm., 30 x 30 x31 mm.
Weight :19.2 g 
Size : 24 x 30 x 14 mm.
GREAT RARE NAGA LEK-LAI -Triangle Shape from Laos.
Weight :19.2 g 
Size : 24 x 30 x 14 mm.
NAGA LEK-LAI in 5 Glass Vial from Laos.
Weight : 8-8.5g
Size : 16 x 16 x 30 mm.
Weight : 1.2 kg. 
Size : 100 x 68 x 81mm
Tektites (Thai people is the belief in the fire protection.)
This tektite has gold . 65.4g (41 x 50 x 28 mm.) 
And Tektite cord pendant 10.5g (16 x 17 x 55 mm.) 
- Phra Sivali Relic 2 pieces. from Laos.
Weight : 106g, 21g, 
Size : 48 x 49 x44 mm. , 30 x 30 x24 mm.
- Arahant Relic Stone 1 piece from Laos 
Weight : 8g, 
Size : 17 x 17 x 19 mm.
Se Peung get the compassion and commerce.
Weight : 7.3 g. 
Size :36 x36 x 12 mm
Golden Sand in 6 Glass Vial from Kanchanaburi.
Weight Appox :6.5-7g
Size Appox : 13 x 13 x 40 mm.
3 Lek Lai (Ta-Rad)from Kanchanaburi.
Cab cut. 
Total Weight :3.5, 3.9, 4.9g
Size Appox : 16 - 19 mm.
-Black&Red TAKRUT TO GET THE LUCKY. from Wat Pra-To Srisaket.Weight : 47.3, 50.4 g. 
Size : 14 x 14 x 112 mm

Weight : 60.4 g. 
Size : 15 x 15 x 170 mm
12 MANEEKORD from Laos.
Total Weight :89 g
Size Appox : 18-28 mm. 
Remove all of evils, protects from all dangers and it is lucky thing that is less amount and hard to find one of them.
Relic Stones in 2 Glass Vial from Laos.
Weight : 25.5g , 25.0g
Size Approx : 21 x 21 x55 mm.
The mature and Powerful of Arahant Relic Stone. According to legend - More 2000 year ago, A lot of Arahant monks practiced meditation in Cave of Laos Mountain. 
Phra Sivali Relic in 4 Glass Vial from Laos.
Weight : 21-22g
Size Approx : 21 x 21 x55 mm.